Self-Managed Superannuation Fund

A Self-Managed Superannuation Fund is a popular vehicle for wealth accumulation, tax planning, retirement planning and asset protection purposes.

With our own Limited Financial Services Licence, we can provide you:

Establishment Advice

Setting up a SMSF is a very important financial decision as the responsibility of operating the fund and complying with the law resides entirely with the trustee. Managing a super fund correctly requires time, money, skill, and intimate knowledge of the law, as such, it is incredibly important to take the time to talk to an experienced SMSF consultant before you decide to set up a Self Manager Super Fund.

At WNR Business Consulting, our SMSF specialists can provide expert advice in the following areas:

  • Overall assessment of the benefits and costs associated with transitioning your current superannuation to an SMSF.
  • Superannuation contribution strategies, ensure that you take full advantage of spousal contribution offsets, government contributions and salary sacrificing.
  • Documenting the investment strategy to ensure that the fund will meet the requirements of all the members and the law
  • Detail the benefits and costs associated with starting the pension phase of retirement from the fund


SMSF Tax Advice

With our extensive knowledge and experience in SMSF related tax planning. It is important to ensure that you have the proper SMSF tax strategies implemented for you and your business. At WNR Business Consulting we evaluate your current and future family and business goals and tailor a solution to reach them whilst minimizing risk and enhancing efficiency.


Retirement Planning

A licensed SMSF consultant or financial planner will be capable of providing you advice on how to set up the fund and ongoing advice on:

  • Legislative changes that might impact your fund and your current strategies
  • Commencing a pension whenever appropriate
  • Recommendations taking into account various changes in your marital status, health and income situation
  • Recommended changes in disability and death insurance
  • Investment recommendations


SMSF Audit

All SMSF’s are required to be audited by an approved SMSF auditor. This audit requirement is set out in law under section 35C of the Superannuation Industry Supervisory Act 1993. Our qualified SMSF auditor will respond promptly to your auditing requirements and offer a price competitive fixed fee for the audit service. We charge a fixed audit fee.